Montag, 9. März 2020

The Great Brunopolik Review | Austria borrows Merkel "good day" | The art of brunopolik knows no boundaries

powered by Society Paintings

Serial WEB 2.0 Capsule Sculpture

Art, politics and a good day 2011

Claus Pandi (Krone) is the Mozart of Austrian journalists and causes controversy.

What has Angelika Merkel achieved politically in 2011? Was there a political connection to Werner Faymann? And why did the journalist Claus Pandi organize a Renminbi party? HC Strache appeared with a blonde lady. Do you remember the video clips with Claus Pandi and HC Strache? Anyway, a curious event with a discussion about advertisements. Anyway, it was a good Merkel day, as the artist Brunopolik wrote.  Art is so confusing and everyone should think about what really happened.

guter Tag (brunopolik poetry)

die ein Angela
Merkel guter Tag guter
Tag ist es ein Pakt


Angela Merkel (Bundeskanzlerin)

 SEE IT and Understand IT


Wilhelm Ruprecht Frieling about Brunopolik

Dienstag, 3. März 2020

The Great Brunopolik Review | Brunopolik is a fool like Joseph Beuys

powered by Society Paintings

Serial WEB 2.0 Capsule Sculpture

Art, politics and surveillance state

Brunopolik loves to play with the boundaries of art and politics. Hiding his real name is part of his art performance. The artist wants to show the social constraints of "free art". There is always a conflict between good political art, the surveillance state and powerful politicians.

SEE IT and Understand IT


Wilhelm Ruprecht Frieling about Brunopolik