Mittwoch, 12. Februar 2020

The Great Brunopolik Review | From real life to the web

powered by Society Paintings


Distributed Art Rooms

(NON) Art and Politics

Brunopolik | German Poetry



The art of Horst A. Bruno is influenced by Dada. Brunopolik, North German artist, hacks texts in an incomparable way. It is a destruction of ideals and norms. For example, texts by Wolfgang Schäuble, Klaus Töpfer or Klaus Staeck are mercilessly exposed to the artist's artistic algorithm. These works open up new perspectives for the viewer. Often the contemplation ends in rejection and consternation. The art of Horst [ ] is not arbitrary. In the period from 2010 to 2011, some of Horst [ ]'s works have been edited and visualized with multimedia.



die Medien im
Moment für Sony nur <<Bild>>
das keineswegs gilt

im Sündenböcke
Land als erste <<Stern>> und <<Bild>>
als jetzt dafür gilt



Brunopolik multimedial